Friday 13 May 2011

Epigenetics - Nature vs. Nurture

Ghost in your Genes:

Very cool video on the study of epigenetics and how the turning off or on of certain genes can have huge effects on human development.  More than that, it brings up how we aren't just blank faces passing on genetic code in each generation, but our actions and influences will influence our genome. As the video said, we really are the caretakers of our genetic code now. Which definitely makes us feel much more important, like we really will leave an imprint on the next generations of the world. Makes us less reluctant to be abusive to our bodies, such as smoking, abusing alcohol, etc. At the same time though, this principle applied to our ancestors as well, meaning that we may be the product of their life decisions... both the good and the bad.
Good thing my dad didn't join the Dark Side...
From an evolutionary standpoint it is really interesting to see the effects of a famine my grandfather experienced carry on to my generation, but what about the negative decisions our ancestors made before we were even conceived? I'm not talking about the klutzy nature of my mother, serious issues such as depression, addiction, mental illness, eating disorders, etc.

According to the documentary, it's like our the "nurture" characteristics our parents experience become our "nature". While the potential to pass on good traits is certainly present, it seems really unfair that their problems can plague us. So it begs the question, can we escape their decisions or are we locked in the natures established at birth? It adds another level to the "nature vs. nurture" argument.

I've personally believed that we're 30% nature, 70% nurture, however the fact that we may be forced to face our parents mistakes as well may make nature have a bigger impact than I first believed. However, I don't think that people whose families have suffered from negative influences should count themselves out. It really still all comes down to doing the best with the cards you're dealt. Yes, there will be people who are given a better hand in life, but it's how you play those cards that truly matters. Never assume that you are going to become your ancestors, because in reality you are your own unique person.

You may be created partially in their image, but you face your own unique experiences in life to create and shape you. I'm not saying it won't be difficult at times, however I truly believe we have the ability to take the helm and chart our own course in life. Don't let a history you never had a say in define who you are.

Never stop questioning.

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