Saturday 21 May 2011

Being and Becoming

This isn't something that we're really talking about in class just this second, but it is something I've been meaning to write about for some time. I want to address my issues if we're living in a world that is solely becoming (multiple truths opposed to a single truth).

Before getting into that, we have to look really briefly at the four different mechanisms (realms of truth) which we use to find truth in the world; Rhetorica, Mystica, Empirica and Logos. Rhetorica is all about any truth given through language or communication of any kind (conveying an opinion). Mystica is unwavering truth that is found through religion or spiritual beliefs. Empirica is when truths are found through scientific theory, i.e. with evidence to support. Finally, Logos are indisputable facts in the world and is largely focused on mathematical laws. The Pythagorean Theorem for instance is constant, has always existed and will exist long after we're gone.

Question that punk.

Now factoring in being and becoming, we can actually arrange these realms of truth...


The image is pretty self-explanatory. Now if the world is solely one of becoming that means that the "truest" truth would be rhetorica... yeeeeeah I hate that idea. Here's my reasoning. If rhetoric is the only method by which we can find learn and experience truth, suddenly the world becomes one in which the best truth is only found through whoever can convey their argument best. Since there are multiple truths of equal weight, finding truth would be merely an act of persuasion or debate. As we know from Thank you for Smoking, the great thing about arguing is that if you do it correctly you're never wrong. Theoretically what this means is that if a single person was extremely good at rhetoric, he/she could effectively control the world.

I despise using this individual as an example constantly, but Hitler's ability to persuade the German people is an instance demonstrating just how flawed a world of becoming can be. His astounding ability to mislead and persuade upstanding German citizens is still something examined by many psychologists.

I'm fine with having multiple opinions and such in the world, but the reason why is because it's difficult for us to see the world of being. By shooting down every idea that's different than our own we are denying the possibility of what being can be, but at the same time I believe there are such truths in the world, things that are universally right and wrong. Can I say precisely what they may be? No, but there are a select few in history who apparently have gotten a glimpse and it's apparently awesome. I think there are moments in our lives where we get a glimpse of it as well. Little moments of complete certainty that cannot be explained. I've had one or two of these moments of clarity, so that's why I feel I can vouch for it.

Ultimately, I feel that we walk in a world of becoming, but it is a surface with tiny cracks in which we are able to catch occasionally see the layer of absolute truth beneath. I really do believe there are fundamental truths out there, if only because the alternative of truth constantly being a tug-of-war just feels wrong in my eyes. Like a tree, perhaps our ideas can branch out on their own, but ultimately all link back to one point. The roots. Being.

Never stop questioning.

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